The Properties of Hemp Oil

It is considered the most nutritious of all available oils, and has a wide variety of medicinal, nutritional, and cosmetic uses, making it a wonderful multi-purpose ingredient.

Hemp oil is the oil extracted from the seeds of the Hemp plant. That is why it is also called hemp seed oil, as it is taken only from the seeds.

However, hemp oil does not contain THC, the main psychoactive compound in Hemp. The oil that does contain THC is called hash oil. These two oils should not be confused.

It has a history of use for its medicinal and nutritional properties dating back to 4000 BC in China and has long been a popular natural remedy in Eastern cultures. Hemp seed oil provides the body with all the essential amino acids necessary for health and well-being.

Main benefits of Hemp Oil

  • High-quality Omega 3.

This oil offers even better results than fish oil. In addition, it is beneficial at a cardiovascular and cerebral level due to the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

If we look at the nutritional values of hemp seed, we can see that it has 5.13 g per 100 g of alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3). A single dose of 30 g of hemp seeds already provides us with 1.54 g of Omega 3.

According to the Regulation that establishes the list of authorized health claims for foods, the beneficial effect on health is obtained with a daily intake of 2 g of this fatty acid.

It also contains tocopherols, which can reduce the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and age-related macular degeneration, as well as having antioxidant activity, its total phenol content is higher than in other vegetable oils.

  • Cardiovascular disease.

It reduces the risk of heart attacks because it reduces the effects of blood clotting and improves cholesterol profiles. Daily hemp oil rapidly reduces levels of both LDL (bad cholesterol) and overall cholesterol. Another study showed that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduced the risk of cardiac arrest among heart attack survivors.

It is recommended in cardiovascular patients, the substitution of oils and saturated animal fats with hemp oil.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Osteoporosis.

The benefits of a supplementary intake of FFA in rheumatoid arthritis have been proven. Also, the contribution of omega-3 fatty acids has an anti-inflammatory effect on urinary tract infection, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Animal studies have shown that a deficiency in essential fatty acids can lead to severe osteoporosis. Hemp oil may be useful for the prevention of osteoporosis because it increases calcium absorption in the bones, decreases its elimination through urine, and increases collagen synthesis.

  • Premenstrual syndrome.

Hemp oil for a period of twelve weeks significantly improved the related symptoms.

  • Oncology patients.

Hemp oil is an effective aid in combating nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments.

  • Atopic eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Another benefit of hemp oil for the skin is its ability to regulate the secretions of the sebaceous glands so that it can treat both disorders associated with dry skin and oily skin.

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